Herr Wild Rags was born over 10 years ago because of a need for both functional and beautiful ranch wild rags. Since it's creation, I have sought the design and creation of unique pieces. Shortly after came a collaborate with Posh Panda to create rad cowhair moccasins. And finally, Rancherr Boot Company started in early 2020 with the need for unique quality boots in Canada. Thru the trials and tribulations, I continue to custom design, handcraft and sew my dreams, one pair of boots at a time.

For my 18th birthday, my mom bought me a serger. So I started dabbling in wild rags because it was hard to find any big enough for my cowboys and what we wanted on the ranch. Soon after, I started giving them as gifts to friends and family, with the occasional request for a wild rag or two. I have always, and still do, sew every Herr Wild Rag myself.